Boreal Environment Research - Vol. 25
ISSN:1239-6095 / eISSN: 1797-2469
Boreal Environment Research - Vol. 25
ISSN:1239-6095 / eISSN: 1797-2469
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Volume 25, 2020

BER cover No. 1-6

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 1–17. Publication date: 11 February 2020

Carbon dioxide and methane exchange of a perennial grassland on a boreal mineral soil

Lind S.E., Virkajärvi P., Hyvönen N.P., Maljanen M., Kivimäenpää M., Jokinen S., Antikainen S., Latva M., Räty M., Martikainen P.J. & Shurpali N.J.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 19–37. Publication date: 25 March 2020

Testate amoebae as a potential tracer of organic matter dislodged from peat extraction areas

Daza Secco E., Haimi J., Vähäkuopus T., Ojala A., Valpola S. & Meissner K.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 39–50. Publication date: 26 March 2020

The European heat wave of 2018 and its promotion of the ozone climate penalty in southwest Sweden

Johansson J.M., Watne Å.K., Karlsson P.E., Karlsson G.P., Danielsson H., Andersson C. & Pleijel H.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 51–63. Publication date: 24 April 2020

Estimation of the maximum and minimum surge levels at the Hanhikivi peninsula, Gulf of Bothnia

Gordeeva S.M. & Klevannyy K.A.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 65–89. Publication date: 15 June 2020

Greenhouse gas dynamics of a well-drained afforested agricultural peatland

Ernfors M., Björk R.G., Nousratpour A., Rayner D., Weslien P. & Klemedtsson L.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 91–103. Publication date: 22 June 2020

Estimating annual CPUE indices for perch (Perca fluviatilis) from monthly logbook data of a gill-net fishery in the Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea

Lappalainen A., Hyvönen J., Söderkultalahti P. & Heikkinen J.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 105–120. Publication date: 14 October 2020

Extensive accumulation of rare earth elements in estuarine sediments affected by leaching of acid sulfate soils

Åström M.E., Changxun Y., Virtasalo J.J., Österholm P., Peltola P., Burton E.D., Hogmalm K.J. & Ojala A.E.K.

Abstract | PDF (open access) | Supplementary Information

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 121–143. Publication date: 10 November 2020

Investigating evidence of enhanced aerosol formation and growth due to autumnal moth larvae feeding on mountain birch at SMEAR I in northern Finland

Ylivinkka I., Itämies J., Klemola T., Ruohomäki K., Kulmala M. & Taipale D.

Abstract | PDF (open access) | Supplementary Information

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 145–159. Publication date: 11 November 2020

CarbonSink+ — Accounting for multiple climate feedbacks from forests

Kulmala M., Ezhova E., Kalliokoski T., Noe S., Vesala T., Lohila A., Liski J., Makkonen R., Bäck J., Petäjä T. & Kerminen V.-M.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 161–169. Publication date: 2 December 2020

Experimental reintroduction of the boreal species Salix lapponum L. to refuges at the southern limit of its range — short-term results

Pogorzelec M., Parzymies M., Banach-Albińska B., Serafin A. & Klemedtsson L.

Abstract | PDF (open access)

2020: Boreal Env. Res. 25: 171–183. Publication date: 10 December 2020

Towards the reconstruction of subfossil vegetation: an unexpected plant record in Early Holocene sediments of a mire in NE Poland

Drzymulska D. & Jadwiszczak P.

Abstract | PDF (open access)